Data bleeding out of pedigree boxes

Started by ArcherPigeons, February 04, 2019, 22:40:21

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Thanks so much for the new version Timo, you do so much hard work and it is very appreciated.

With regards to pedigrees, is it possible to make the text box wrap the text and stop it bleeding out? See attached image. Sometimes also the ring number runs into the top line of the box?


2 things here:

1. Vertical alignment, the ringnumber that crosses the box shouldn't happen. Will need to look into this. Don't know if it's relevant yet, but does this happen with more pigeons? Also, is there a difference between looking at the pedigree preview and saving as pdf?

2. Horizontal alignment, the text that doesn't wrap. This is more or less by design. The number of lines are hardcoded both in the application and pedigree to make things much easier for me. I've always put the responsibility on the user to make everything fit. I realised later that this isn't really that great. Plan is to eventually merge those 6 lines into one box and then indeed wrap lines etc. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.


Thanks Timo.

1 - from a quick test, it seems if I save as PDF, it runs into the top line, however if I use "Microsoft Print to PDF" it works as intended. Also, zooming in and out in the print preview seems to change it?

2 - I figured it might be by design, and for the most part I wrap the test manually. I just thought I'd bring it up just in case it had somehow been missed :)